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Hampstead School

1.5.3 Governors

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It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to support the school and ensure that it is effectively led and managed.

Governors support, challenge and monitor the school's performance and the effect of its leadership and management on the quality and standards of education, personal development and well-being of the students.

In order to do so, Governors meet 3 times a year as a body. Members also attend regular committee meetings to consider:

  • Quality of Education
  • Safeguarding, Behaviour & Personal Development
  • Site, Finance & Personnel
  • Strategy, including all statutory school policies.

They also form a link, individually, with a Faculty or another aspect of school life such as careers, taking a particular interest in that part of the school. At Hampstead School we have 16 Governors, each elected or appointed for a 4-year term of office, except the Head who is a permanent ex-officio member. Of the rest, who are all volunteers, 4 are elected by the parents, 1 appointed by the London Borough of Camden, 9 are appointed from the local community and 1 elected Staff Governor.

Governors can be contacted via the school. Any parent or carer who cannot resolve a difficulty with the school can write to the Chair of Governors via the school.

The Governors' Allowances policy ensures that no member of the community is prevented from volunteering on the grounds of cost. It supports the school’s ethos and values, enabling wider diversity on the Governing Board and aiming to ensure it is reflective of the school’s community and context.