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Hampstead School

Communications Archive

Autumn Term 2024

Whole School Early Finish & INSET Day 7/10/2024

Dear Parent/Carer

Tomorrow, Tuesday 8 October, school will finish early at 14:00 for all students, and on Wednesday 9 October we will be closed for INSET Day.

School will return as normal from Thursday 10 October.

Kind regards,

Hampstead School

Years 7 to 11 Flu Vaccination 3/10/2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Tuesday 5 November, Camden Council is offering Hampstead School students in Years 7 to 11 a free flu vaccination at the school.

We thoroughly encourage those who are able to opt into this opportunity to do so, in order to protect your child and the broader community from sickness.

Please see the attached form for more information, or click here to register your child.

The vaccine is offered as either a nasal spray or a gelatine-free injection, and you can contact the council if you have any questions (details in the attached document).

Kind regards,

Hampstead School

Click HERE for more information


Year 7 Tutor Conversation Evening 3/10/2024

Dear Parent/Carer

To mark the beginning of your child’s first half-term at Hampstead School we are holding a Tutor Conversation Evening on Thursday 17 October 2023 from 5.30 to 6.30pm. 

This is an informal meeting for you and your child to discuss how they have settled into Year 7 since starting in September, giving you a chance to meet their tutors and some of the leadership team.

You will receive your child’s first Launchpad Report prior to the event which details your child’s attitude to learning in class and at home for each of their subjects. At least two talks will take place in the Main Hall at 5.30pm and 6.00pm to explain the Launchpad report and the information it contains.

We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

Kind regards,

Year 7 Leadership

Year 11 Pre-Public Examinations 02/10/2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Year 11 Pre-Public Examinations: Monday 4th November – Friday 8th November 2024

As students already know, we will be examining all of Year 11 in their subjects when we return after half-term. This will provide students with a critical opportunity to practice examination conditions as well as assess their progress.

The schedule is on the reverse of this letter. All written examinations will be held in the Sports Hall during this week. There are a few exceptions, for example, Art and Photography which will be examined at a later date.

Please note the standard examination conditions will be adhered to and all students are expected to follow these regulations, as we did in the End of Year 10 examinations. Mobile phones and smart watches must not be brought into the examinations hall, pencil cases should be transparent and water bottles are only permitted with the labels removed. All students will need pens, pencils, rulers and a scientific calculator – please have all necessary equipment.

Subject teachers have been preparing students in Year 11 with revision, practice questions and examination technique during lessons leading up to examination week. Please can you support your child by ensuring that they are punctual to school for each day during the examination week, so they do not miss the start of their examination; it is a very intense week.

Students should spend additional time at home revising and preparing for these examinations, especially over the half-term break. Please can you check that they manage their independent study and revision time effectively, to maximise learning and the outcomes from these examinations. The grades achieved in these examinations will be the best indicator for tier entry in the summer examinations, allow for predicted grade assessment as well as excellent preparation for those examinations.

In order to facilitate a smooth running of examination week, when not in an examination, students will have their normal lesson. During this time they may do work towards the next examination in that subject or be allowed to revise for further examinations that day or following days. Some examinations may overrun the usual 1500 school finish time. In this sense, these arrangements mirror the formal summer examinations.

Yours faithfully

Ms Morrell

Assistant Head

Click here for the timetable


Year 12  Expectations Evening 18/09/2024

Good afternoon,

We would like to invite you to attend our Y12 Expectations evening from 5-6pm on Thursday 26th September.  This will be an opportunity to meet the Sixth Form Team and to find out a bit more about the Sixth Form and how we can work together to best support your young person achieve their potential.  

Students should attend with their parents and carers if possible.

We look forward to meeting you next week.

Kind regards,

The Sixth Form Team

Year 10 Work Experience Week 13/09/2024

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to inform you that the Year 10 work experience week will take place between 12th – 16th May 2025.

We would like all students in Year 10 to take part in a five-day work experience placement ideally in an industry that they would like to work in. Work experience can be life changing for students and can help to motivate and to inspire them to achieve their very best at school. 

Students (and their families) should source their own work experience placements. The careers team will do its best to find placements for any students who have been unable to find their own, but due to limited resources, we expect to only be able to help a few students.

We are using Unifrog ( to manage the administration of the work experience programme – for example collecting information from the employer about their Risk Assessment and Health & Safety policy, as well as getting agreement from parents/carers for the placement to go ahead. All students have their own log-in details for Unifrog.

Some important logistics:

  • Students need to agree the placement with the employer first.
  • Students will add their placement on their Unifrog account (they’ll find the Placements tool on their Unifrog homepage).
  • The Unifrog system will then email the employer, the parent / carer, and the school, to collect the necessary information and permissions. For the process to work, it’s essential that students add the initial information about the placement accurately.

Finding out more:

  • Unifrog have created a set of guides about placements which you can find here.
  • Within this set of guides, this is the best one to start with (it includes a short animation of how the whole process works).
  • Next we recommend looking at this one, because it includes advice on how to find a placement.

Next steps:

We wish you the best of luck with supporting your child to find a placement. Please do make use of Unifrog’s guides help you.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Tamsin Morrell

Assistant Head

Starting Arrangements 03/09/2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Your child's induction time may have adjusted by half an hour, please check to see if there has been any change.

Tuesday 3 September

Year 8 Induction 10:30 – 12:30

Year 9 Induction 13:00 – 15:00

Wednesday 4 September

Year 10 Induction 10:30 – 12:30

Year 11 Induction 13:00 – 15:00

Thursday 5 September

Year 7 Induction 08:35 – 15:00

Year 13 Induction 14:30 – 15:30

Friday 6 September

Full-time school starts at 08:35 for Years 7 to 11, and Year 13

Monday 9 September

All students in school from 08:35
Year 12 Induction 08:35 – 13:20

Contact Us

Please refer to the updated Hampstead School Handbook and remember to check the school website for the latest guidance. Remember that your child’s leadership team email will have changed to match their new year group, these are:

Y7 Leadership:

Y8 Leadership:

Y9 Leadership:

Y10 Leadership:

Y11 Leadership:

Sixth Form Leadership:

Kind regards,

Hampstead School

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